Friday, June 15, 2007

Herb Fact Sheet ~ E

Historical/Medical Uses
stimulates immunity mechanisms at infections and chronic inflammations
Side Effects
Do not use with immunosuppressive drugs. Should not be taken over two weeks.


Elder Berries/Flowers
Historical/Medical Uses
Inner-bark tea as diuretic, strong laxative, emetic; poulticed on cuts, sore or swollen limbs,leaves made into poulticed on bruises, and on cuts to stop bleeding, fever reducer, stimulating sweating, mild stimulant.
Side Effects
Bark, root, leaves, and unripe berries toxic (cyanide poisoning), severe diarrhea

Ephedra Herb
Historical/Medical Uses
Specific for asthma, nasal congestion, sinus congestion, low blood pressure, energy, stimulant, kidney and bladder, arthritis
Side Effects
excites the function of the heart (rapid heart rate). Those with known heart condition, and are taking Amphetamine and Amphetamine derivatives,Antidepressants,
Aspirin, Blood Pressure Medications, Caffeine,Narcotics, such as morphine and codeine,Phenylpropanolamine (also known as norephedrine) Should NOT use this herb.

Eucalyptus Leaf
Historical/Medical Uses
used as a steam inhalation. For its antiseptic and expectorating effect in bronchitis and influenza to relieve congestion. It is also serviceable in sluggish urinary tract infections of a chronic nature
Side Effects
Toxic in large doses, readily absorbable through the skin

Evening Primrose Flower
Historical/Medical Uses
Antispasmodic,weight loss, hormonal balancing, menopause, PMS
Side Effects
May enhance effects of chemotherapy,should NOT be taken with ibuprophen (Motrin)

Eyebright Herb
Historical/Medical Uses
Anti- catarrhal astringent, anti-inflammatory. Eyebright is valuable in eye and vision weakness. AS a wash, it is used for inflammations and conjunctivitis of the eye. It has also been effective in removing mucus from the head and nasal area, making effective for sinusitis
Side Effects
None Known

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